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How To Polish An Airplane

Why Polishing An Airplane Is Important

Polishing an airplane is beneficial for a number of different reasons, chief among them is keeping the airplane’s exterior clean and smooth with a deep shine and strong finish. Having a polished airplane with a great finish can create a powerful corporate image, and there are additional benefits for airplane owners.
Keeping an airplane consistently polished will increase the exterior’s surface longevity by lowering the amount of corrosion typically seen on the aircraft’s exterior walling. Consistent polishing also will reduce the amount of time the plane will need to be down for “routine washing.” Perhaps most important to those in ownership of an aircraft is the improved fuel efficiency and resulting savings on fuel costs. Consistent polishing can bring all of those benefits to aircraft owners—and the increased fuel efficiency can also lead to a smaller carbon footprint.
The lasting shine of a good aircraft polish comes from the removal of heavy oxidation, scratches, spots, and cloudiness. Polishing an airplane is easier and more affordable than ever, thanks to Bright Work Polish’s three step program. Those interested in learning more about how to polish an airplane should keep reading to see how simple Bright Work Polish’s program really is.

Bright Work Polish Step 1—Red Polish

The first step in polishing an aircraft is to use Bright Work Polish’s Red Polish. This polish works by removing heavy oxidation and scratches from the surface of the aircraft. The oxidation and scratches can cause corrosion, which not only looks unsightly, but can have an adverse effect on the airplane’s fuel efficiency. Applying Red Polish is the first step in solving those problems.
Bright Work Polish’s Red Polish should be applied via buff pad on a quality circular buffer. The coat applied to the exterior should be thin, and then buffed with light pressure. The resulting buffering will noticeably improve the exterior’s visual, as scratches and heavy oxidation that cause corrosion are removed. It is also possible to apply Red Polish by hand, with a soft cotton cloth towel. If applied by hand, the surface should be rubbed in a circular motion until the surface displays a clear, mirror-like reflection. If a deeper shine is desired, then it is time to move on from step one to Bright Work Polish’s step two—White Polish. This next step is designed to remove light oxidation along with other blemishes such as water spots and cloudiness.

Bright Work Polish Step 2—White Polish

Bright Work Polish’s second step is the use of their White Polish product, which is designed for use after application of Red Polish is complete. White Polish is designed for removal of lighter oxidations, cloudiness, and water spots. It can be applied via hand or via buff pad on a circular buffer. The application is best done in small amounts as the polish has a creamy consistency. The coating should be applied thinly, and then buffed with light pressure. If done by hand, the surface should be rubbed in a circular motion with a soft cotton towel until the surface appears clear, with a mirror-like reflection. After properly applying Bright Work Polish’s White Polish, the exterior of the aircraft should have a strong shine and a smoother feel.
The next and last step of the Bright Work Polish program is applying Blue Polish, which will remove the swirls created during the last two applications as well as complete the final finish for the aircraft’s exterior. If the current shine is not as deep as desired, steps one or two can be repeated for an enhanced experience.

Bright Work Polish Step 3—Blue Polish

Blue Polish is the final step in the Bright Work Polish program. It comes after application of Red Polish and White Polish—and works to remove the swirls left after their application. Blue Polish also completes the final finish that leaves a deep, strong clean on the exterior of the aircraft. Blue Polish can either be applied by hand or via buff pad on a circular buffer. If applied via buffer, a thin coat of Blue Polish should be applied before buffering with light pressure. If done by hand, the exterior of the aircraft should be rubbed in a circular motion with a soft cotton towel after the application of a thin coat. The surface should be rubbed until a clear, mirror-like surface appears. The removal of swirl marks leaves the surface looking fine and smooth with a deep shine.
This is the final step of the Bright Work Polish program and your aircraft’s finish will look outstanding at this point. Any of the previous steps can be repeated if you desire a fuller or deeper shine.


The Bright Work Polish program will leave your aircraft’s exterior looking smooth with a strong finish. The look is one that will appeal to passengers and corporate partners alike, and the benefits aren’t just aesthetic. Aircrafts that regularly get a proper polish also have less corrosion on their exterior, which in turns leads to greater fuel efficiency and lessened fuel costs. The lowered levels of corrosion help to increase the lifespan of the aircraft’s exterior as well. There are a wide range of benefits to having an aircraft that gets polished on a regular basis. And now, thanks to Bright Work Polish’s three step polishing program, the routine is easier than ever. Get your airplane polished quickly, easily, and affordably. Getting a polish isn’t just about improved looks; it’s about protecting a long term investment in your aircraft. Quality polish is easier than ever, and you’ll saving money learn term on cleaning and fuel costs. If you are interested in protecting your investment and making sure that you get the most out of your aircraft, then the Bright Work Polish program is definitely for you! Make sure to order your polish today, as they come in different sizes to fit your specific polish and deep cleaning needs for your aircraft.

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